Monday, 29 May 2017

Ormos Pighios, Nisos Aigina 37:40.59N 23:28.65E

We enjoyed a short 7NM sail from Methana to here, Ormos Pighios, couple days ago. We picked this place because we wanted to escape some promised strong N'lies and here looked ideal to spend next few nights. We'd already had our share of some rather brisk and changeable winds at Methana when it thunderstormed on us. Quite a lot of rain too. As we approached we could see a line of stinkpots tied sterns-to and one sailing yacht on hook. As it turned out, the sailing yacht was a traditional oversized ketch with some tourists onboard, which left before dark, to be replaced by a giant stinkpot flying a red ensign. Fortunately the skipper did tie-back out of our way. Another oversized stinkpot arrived early next morning, as did couple more visiting yachts. By nightfall of Sunday, day 2, the touristy sailing yacht had returned and dropped their hook remarkably close, leading us to think they were only day visiting. In the event, just before dark, Sue decided to engage conversation along the lines of:
Sue: Hello (pause) Hello. Where is the captain please?
Skipper appears.
Sue: Hello. Are you staying the night?
Skipper: Yes we stay here.
Sue: You are rather close. Will you be doing an anchor watch because you are rather close?
Skipper. No problem. No problem. 
Sue: I think you are far too close (muttering I'll give him no problem no problem).
Few minutes later they had their donk on and kindly repositioned themselves in a more sensible free space of their choosing. Given, we were the only 2 yachts in the bay they had tons to choose from and both yachts benefited from having a very pleasant, trouble-free, overnight. Sue's definitely better than me at this sort of thing. 
Compared to yesterday, which was a complete washout, raining and cool all day, today is just fine. Windies slightly stronger and broken sunshine. We've even refurbished (of sorts) our CA burgee, which now has new pieces sewn-in to resemble the original. 
Likely we'll move-on somewhere not too far away and just as lovely tomorrow. Also likely we'll be bay-alone here tonight.