Tuesday, 19 September 2017

Kiparissi 36:58.4N 22:59.6E

We now 2 weeks on the water. Went ashore yesterday. Longer walks than hoped for, first finding mini-supermarket then finding village bakery. Late lunch in local taverna overlooking Ticketeeboo, alone in bay, then accompanied by stinkpot for two or three hours. Ordered one starter 'Zuchini' and one meatballs and chips - to share, making use of side plates. You would not believe how huge the portions are. We first loaded up our side pates then gazed at all four plates, almost fully loaded with food. Had to take a pic. Unbelievable. If we had ordered separate portions we could not have eaten more than half of 'em. We managed all the chips (what's new?) and just about made our way through the zuchini stragglers. The meatballs beat us. Managed 6 and 4 got wrapped-up, plus some bread we couldn't attempt, making for next yacht-meal. You can guess what happened next when we said "Log garryosbow"? The hand written bill was accompanied by an overly large dump of wonderful creamy Greek yoghurt topped with caramelised home-produced cherries. Sue failed to make any significant contribution and laid down her spoon before making headway leaving me to squeeze what I could into my already overly-confined digestive system. Much enjoyed a very settled afternoon in the cockpit whilst the sensation of overindulgence passed us by slowly.